February 15, 2024

Empowering Tomorrow's Designers: Highlights from the 'Design for All' Event at XU Exponential University

On February 6, 2024, XU Exponential University of Applied Sciences hosted a groundbreaking event, 'Design for All,' as part of the Erasmus+ co-funded project 'Inclusive Design Hub' (Project Number: 2023-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000124768). This event brought together innovative minds in the field of design, led by Prof. Dr. Petyo Budakov, founder of Budakov Films, and Mr. Arne Unkrig, co-founder of Arvana GmbH. The session, specifically tailored for 23 students enrolled in the undergraduate program 'Digital Marketing and Social Media,' aimed to explore the goals of the project and delve into crucial aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Graphic Design.

Training Session on Intellectual Property Rights

The event featured an insightful training session on Intellectual Property Rights in Graphic Design. Partners of the project consortium addressed the concerns of newcomers and early-stage freelancers, offering valuable insights on how to avoid IPR infringements. The students' active participation, numerous questions, and constructive feedback demonstrated their keen interest in the topic, setting the stage for collaboration and improvement in the training module format.

Image 1: Evaluation of the Quality of the Training
Source: Screenshot

Student Engagement and Inclusive Design Posters

An exciting element of the event was the students' showcase of posters focused on the 'Inclusive Design Hub' project. These posters reflected diverse key messages, showcasing the students' creativity and understanding of inclusive design principles. The students' active involvement not only highlighted their enthusiasm but also provided tangible outcomes that contribute to the ongoing project.

Credit: XU Exponential University of Applied Science.

Special Guest and Valuable Insights

Adding an extra layer of expertise to the event, Ms. Violeta Vasileva, Ph.D., Partnerships Manager at Mimic Productions, shared her valuable insights on achieving inclusive design. As a representative of a leading Berlin-based 3D Animation and Motion Capture studio, Ms. Vasileva provided participants with a glimpse into the world of high-quality, photo-realistic digital doubles and 3D characters. Her experience and advice offered a unique perspective on inclusive design, leaving a lasting impact on the aspiring designers present.

Image: Ms. Violeta Vasileva, Ph.D.
Credit: XU Exponential University of Applied Science.

Certificates of Acknowledgment

To recognize the students' input and valuable contributions, certificates of acknowledgment were presented. This gesture not only highlighted the importance of student involvement but also reinforced the collaborative nature of the 'Inclusive Design Hub' project. The careful analysis of student recommendations will play a crucial role in shaping the upcoming Activity 2: Development of the blended training platform.

Credit: XU Exponential University of Applied Science.


The 'Design for All' event at XU Exponential University was a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity in the field of design. The students' active participation, the expert insights shared by industry leaders, and the thoughtful analysis of feedback all contribute to the ongoing success of the 'Inclusive Design Hub' project. As the consortium moves forward, the lessons learned from this event will undoubtedly shape the future of inclusive design education and training.

*Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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