May 20, 2024

Reflecting on Progress: Insights from the Third Transnational Project Meeting of the 'Inclusive Design Hub'

On April 29th, 2024, the virtual corridors of Google Meet echoed with discussions, analyses, and strategizing as the Erasmus+ co-funded project 'Inclusive Design Hub' (Project No: 2023-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000124768) held its Third Transnational Project Meeting. Bringing together the key players from Arvana GmbH and Budakov Films Ltd., the meeting served as a pivotal juncture to evaluate progress, assess outcomes, and chart the course ahead.

Analyzing Achievements

The agenda was comprehensive, spanning from the analysis of previous activities to financial management and dissemination strategies. Notably, the consortium delved into the results of Activity 2 ‘Creating an inclusive training Program ‘Inclusive Design Hub’ and delivering training’, offering a comprehensive recap that provided insights into the project's trajectory. Additionally, the discussion around the results of the Open Public Event, spearheaded by Arvana GmbH, shed light on the project's impact on organizational capacity.

Positive Impact and Skills Enhancement

A noteworthy revelation emerged from the analyses: the project results thus far have not only met but exceeded expectations. The collaboration has enhanced the expertise of freelancers associated with both Arvana GmbH and Budakov Films Ltd. Remarkably, freelancers working with Arvana GmbH showcased improved proficiency in time management, intellectual property rights (IPR), and portfolio enhancement. Conversely, freelancers from non-EU countries collaborating with Budakov Films demonstrated heightened skills in GDPR compliance, IPR, and legal nuances related to freelancing.

Success Stories and Strategies

Arvana GmbH shared their triumph in hosting the Open Public Event at XU Exponential University of Applied Sciences on April 17th. This event not only showcased the project's progress but also served as a platform to engage with stakeholders and garner support.

Furthermore, the partners strategically mapped out the final stages of the project, focusing on the successful completion of the last activity: Knowledge Validation and Assessment of the Training Program. This forward-looking approach underscores the commitment of the consortium to deliver impactful outcomes and ensure the sustainability of the project's achievements.


As the 'Inclusive Design Hub' project progresses, each meeting serves as a testament to the dedication, collaboration, and innovation driving its success. The Third Transnational Project Meeting not only provided a platform for reflection but also illuminated the path forward. With enhanced skills, strategic planning, and a shared vision, the consortium stands poised to accomplish its goals and leave a lasting impact on inclusive design education.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards fostering inclusivity and innovation through the 'Inclusive Design Hub' project.

*Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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